David Lepper - Was Pavilion Gardens 'mass' consultation an open discussion?
When I was a councillor, then an MP and now an ordinary resident, I often disagreed with the views of The Brighton Society. But the...
Paul Levy - Article in the Argus and the supportive comments...
It's good to see the article in the Argus and the supportive comments. Once again we have the sinister quote from the council that they...
Comments - Argus readers back campaign to save Brighton's Pavilion Cafe
By Telscombe Cliffy It is part of Brighton's heritage and should be left alone. Its style matches the 3 bus shelters and the café...
Letter from Jim Simpson - We need assurances over the Pavilion Gardens consultation
Thousands of local people and visitors alike treasure the Pavilion Gardens Cafe in Brighton (Letters, October 14). There is no leisure,...

Save the Pavilion Gardens Cafe
Banner made By : Brian Dazley.
Pavilion Gardens plans prompt fears for Brighton café
http://thelatest.co.uk/brighton/2013/10/02/pavilion-gardens-plans-prompt-fears-for-brighton-cafe/ Fears have been expressed for the...
David Sewell - The"future of the cafe" is very unclear..
Just to let you all know that the "future of the cafe" is very unclear. The Council with the Brighton Festival have confirmed at a...