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Paul Levy - Article in the Argus and the supportive comments...

It's good to see the article in the Argus and the supportive comments. Once again we have the sinister quote from the council that they are consulting David (rather than treating him as a fellow custodian of the gardens) and also that his cafe will be retained "as a service" rather than making a clear commitment to respecting the wishes of the Sewell family and the huge community that want the cafe building and patio kept as it is. The protest will be huge if David has to go into December and beyond in a state of uncertainty as a "consultation" exercise begins. This so called consultation exercise does not need to put a sword of uncertainty over the cafe's future on its current location. The Royal Pavilion isn't going out to consultation over whether it should be moved. Nor is the Dome. And nor should the art deco cafe that has been there for half a century. It's now part of the Estate's roots and David and his family have been custodians of the building, that part of the estate, and of the community that loves the cafe for long enough for him to be treated with a lot more status and respect. In a way I feel sorry for the Greens who have lost their way at this local level. Yet it still isn't too late for them to bring these arrogant council officers into line and to remember that local democracy needs to be truly LOCAL. I also feel a bit sad for Paula Murray and her fellows who seem to be trapped in outdated and power hungry corporate speak with talk of a "master plan". Master plans are for masters, not service led democracies. Once more I call on Paula Murray and Jason Kitcat to swallow your pride and confirm clearly and openly you'll be leaving the cafe, the Sewells and patio alone. It will be a massively popular, grassroots decision and then we can all swing behind you and the lottery bid.

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 This site has been created compliments of the Pavilion Gardens Cafe and  independent

of the Royal Pavilion, Dome and Estate.


Photography by kind permission of Peter Williams, Cliff Manny, John Sandy, Peter Bourne, Colin Jones and David Gray.


Website edited by Charlie Stevens.

  ©  2013 CBean   



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